Friday, July 31, 2009

Does anyone know?

roughly how much a small shooting stars tattoo on my wrist would cost? (in Australia)
Does anyone know?
Australia rocks! Elle Macpherson is awesome.
Does anyone know?
I had a small shamrock, a harp, and the word Eire done on my foot in Ireland last summer. I think I paid somewhere around 100 in U.S. DOLLARS (I forget what the EURO exchange rate was. I can't imagine that what you want will cost too much more. I think tattoo artists determine the price of your tattoo by its size and how intricate or detailed it is--all factors related to the time they will have to invest to complete the work. I think there is also an extra charge for the amount of colors you use. Also...factor in the needle(s) and the prep work. Here's an example...I got a teeny tiny tattoo that is completely hidden by my wedding ring. I got it in Sacramento, California (USA)--I paid 60 bucks for that several years ago. The one on my foot is several times larger but cost-wise wasn't comparatively more expensive. I don't think what you want will break your bank. Go to a few of your local body art shops and look through some pictures or design something that suits you. Then just ask the artist. Good Luck!

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